


Banks are the financial institutions where inflow and outflow of money is going on continuously. A small mistake will create a havoc in bank. It is very necessary to establish a calm an energetic environment in bank so that to work smoothly without any hurdles.

Some Vastu Tips For Banks:

As I cleared above that banks are important as they deals in finance. They serve the society so important care must be taken while establishing banks. Here i am providing some special tips which will help in smooth functioning of banks.

  • If the bank is going to open in any building then the North or North-East direction is the best to set up bank.
  • The entrance on North and East is good.
  • There should not be any type of obstacle just in front of main entrance gate.
  • North side is the best place to establish cash counter. Sitting arrangement must be such that the face of cashier will be towards North or East Direction.
  • For Manager South-West corner is best.

So here i have given some tips which will help to establish a bank with the use of vastu principles.

Following points are needed to consider while studying the vastu of bank-

  • Entrance gate of bank.
  • Locker room.
  • Cashier place.
  • Manager sitting.
  • Water arrangement.
  • Color of premises.
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